Day one
Hello there!
Welcome to my first day blogging, yeah! Let me introduce myself. My name is Wendee Ackerman and I am a married mother of two young adult children Dakota and Indianna Ackerman. Now before you ask, (laughing) we did not name them after the states. However I will tell you those stories another time. More about the blog...
I have entered another stage in my life and just figured I would share all this experience with other women. Start some conversations with women of similar experience and with those yet to navigate the nearly 50 stage. We can chat about food, family, fitness and employment the later by the way happens to be my expertise. Finding employment for people with disabilities or challenges and I love it!
I have lived in several states, had many types of employment and enjoyed them all. My husband and I have been married for 20 years this year! So where do I start? How about Paleo?
Recently my husband and I have ventured into the Paleo world of eating. We didn't just happen into this decision. My husband has several medical issues and I have PCOS (Polycystic Ovarion Syndrome). After several hard years in life (the last few) and some extra weight, I was watching YouTube where I spotted a chef named Pete Evans talk about Paleo and I tried out a recipe. Now mind you my husband and children tease me quite often that no meal comes to the table without one item being burnt! Its true I have never enjoyed cooking and often get distracted, but I am a working wife and try to work out especially with having been a fitness trainer. I keep a clean house, work and workout, so goodness sake cooking is not my deal. Now having said this the meal was fabulous. I was inspired and my husband was willing, which is a miracle in its self for him to think of giving up soda!
I will post a picture of that meal and find a non deleted picture before Paleo and fill everyone in on our experiences along this new journey of two weeks so far.
I look forward to any comments and experiences!
Have a fabulous day!
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