When my son left to serve and how we handle it

For many having a part of your family leave for extended duration's intermittently is very difficult.

When we learned our son had to leave again for several months we reflected on the last few times and what we had learned. Things our son and our family had to consider:

Transportation to and from where he was leaving
Where his vehicle will be parked during his leave (extra keys)
How will his bills be paid
Will there be communication during his time away
Do we have a financial plan if something goes wrong with pay (it happens)
What is the address and if we can send mail or packages
Make sure his school is informed and taken care of
In our case, he works with his dad so who will replace him during this time
Make sure the girlfriend understands to be supportive and not negative (its real)

       Being a part of a parents group for military families has been a great help. We are able to share and glean from other families who have been through this transition. This time our wonderful son has a young and newer girlfriend he is crazy about. She is new to the whole military deal and very emotional when he leaves. This was so worrisome for our young adult son the last time he left, and as parents we feared a needless distraction. So what else would a "smother" do but talk to our son and inform him I would be talking to his girl. Yep! I did it and guess what it helped, a little. LOL some communication is better than none right? She was receptive fortunately, its all in the presentation. #Younglove!
      Our military go through some dangerous training's and sleep deprivation at times in conjunction with missing meals and live fire to prepare for the worst. Accidents happen all the time, its serious business.The last thing they need is to worry about the support back home who should be just that, their support back home.

Hope our experience can be a help to others. Be prepared for the unexpected!

Please leave comments and your experience!




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