Anxiety- Seriously? This is what I said to the doctor when I was told I had anxiety. Most everyone has experienced a form of anxiety at one point in their life for various reasons. It could be starting a new job or going on stage or even meeting the in-laws. Many of these situations might cause a person to have a healthy amount of anxiousness, but its when you get that extremely high level on a continuous basis that sets off the alarm bell. Waking up from a perfectly fine sleep in the middle of the night feeling panicked and heart racing for no reason is not a roller coaster I care to be on. This was happening to me. A couple of years ago I started having this racing feeling in my chest followed by icy cold sweaty hands, dizziness and sometimes shaking as if I was cold. I blew it off as stress or hormonal changes. I was going through an enormous amount of stress in my life at the time all while entering the, "Change of Life", too. The sympt...