No ordinary dog!

Wylee Wylee has many stories and our favorite for this on the go pup happened while we were living in Texas. We had just moved into a small subdivision called, “Royal Forest”. It was literally a forest of very high thick trees that had roads carved out with little patches carved out just wide enough to place a small home. You could not see beyond the trees unless you were looking straight down a neighborhood street or straight up in the air. This took awhile for us to get used to. The nights were so muggy and hot because the breeze could not get past the trees. Many residents would take walks or golf cart rides after dark and there was an intense smell of the woods, BBQ and bug spray all around. Steve and I decided to take walks in the evenings too with Wylee right along side of us. Now this is when it gets interesting. While taking one of our walks several people passing by waved hi, to Wylee! LOL! We did not know them but, apparently our mischievous pup did. See, Wylee...