Day 2- fitness, paleo, marriage, family

Hey there!
What a beautiful day today. Finally stopped raining for a minute. I love the sun! I have found if I do not get enough sunlight I feel a bit down. How about you?
So yesterday I was talking about Paleo and my husband and I starting our venture into the Paleo lifestyle and eating. We decided in the beginning about 4 weeks ago to try out some of the meals we found on line mostly from a show called The Paleo Way by Pete Evens. After we tried several recipes and how it felt to replace traditional carb filled meals with these healthy high fat and low carb meals we decided it was something we wanted to take to the next level. Actually one night my husband a drive through junkie started reading all the labels while helping put the groceries away. he said,"I can't believe sugar and High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) is in everything." Then he said, "Well I guess if we are going to do this we need to get rid of everything, right?" I was in total disbelieve. Its what I had been asking for (praying for) but here it is, he is on board. Now I have to get rid of everything! Oh no! all the food I love, what about taking it slow! So we did it. We gave all the food away or trashed it. We decided we would give it 30 days and re evaluate.
Now I have to cook! OMG! So right away I started reading everything and watching documentaries on Paleo and the best ways to go about it for busy people.
Pro's so far: My hair looks good and dropped a little weight (2 weeks 100% on the diet) I enjoy the time my husband and I prep the meals together some nights or weekends.
Con's so far: Low carb flu- detox, carb cravings (more my husband from soda)
Cost: we spend more at the store however less out to eat= wash
Let me know what you think, leave a comment.
Have a fabulous day!
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